Episode 181: Heaven and Earth

The invention of the telescope in the early 1600s laid the foundation for the scientific revolution, but it also disrupted the traditional view of the universe and led to a conflict with the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, the Anglican Church completed a translation of the Bible that became known as the King James or Authorized version. In this episode, we look at how these simultaneous developments changed the modern world and shaped the English language.

6 thoughts on “Episode 181: Heaven and Earth

  1. For whatever reason, I’m getting an error when parsing the RSS feed, today. It says the first character is invalid. Hex code 0x1F (31), which is a “unit separator” according to the ASCII table.

    Could someone take a quick look and see if there is a strange character on line 1?

  2. Hi Kevin, did you reload the whole podcast to Spotify? My listening history is gone, and according to Spotify that would only be caused if the podcast was re-uploaded.

    • There was an issue with the RSS feed of the podcast over the past week or so. That is how Spotify and other podcasting platforms (like Apple) access the episodes and content. I suspect the issue you had is related to the work that was done that feed. The feed itself should be back to normal now, but it may have altered some settings within those apps. That is probably what Spotify meant by ‘reload the podcast.’

  3. Hi there

    I’m new to this podcast. I’m interested in the episodes related to modern English. Which episode marks the beginning of that period? I couldn’t tell from the titles, sorry. Your help is appreciated.

    • The early modern English period begins around Episode 140. You might find the Great Vowel Shift episodes to be a bit overwhelming if you haven’t listened to the earlier episodes, so I would recommend starting after those if you just want to focus on modern English. However, I strongly recommend all new listeners to begin with Episode 1 because the content of the early episodes is very important to the entire series.

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